8 Nov

Year 5 Music Making

Today, Year 5 played some great bossa nova music on the glockenspiels. They followed the notes to play a given melody then used the notes G, A and B to improvise over a backing. The result was very catchy - well done, Year 5!

11 Oct

Year 5 Investigate Electrical Conductors

This afternoon, Year 5 investigated the best material to make a switch for an electrical circuit. They cooperated well in groups to make a circuit and adapted their circuit to investigate the properties of different materials. 

11 Oct

Year 5 say, "No!"

As part of their PSHE learning, Year 5 have been practising saying, "No!" assertively to negative peer pressure. They acted out different scenarios and showed how they would respond to what their friend was asking them to do. 

4 Oct

Year 5 lead Prayer and Liturgy

This afternoon, Year 5 led a whole school time of prayer for the feast of St Francis of Assisi. They told us about the life of St Francis and led us in a reflection on how we can follow his example by showing care for each other and our environment. We sang, 'Make me a channel of your peace', the…

26 Sep

Reflecting on Creation in Year 5

In RE in Year 5, we have been reflecting on God's beautiful gift of creation and what Pope Francis tells us in his letter 'Laudato Si'. Some children in our class led a reflection on this during class prayer and liturgy and everyone wrote their own pledge to look after our world on a 'Laudato Si'…

19 Sep

Year 5 Core Strength

Today, Year 5 enjoyed a very physical PE session led by Mr Lofthouse. They used the PE apparatus to do activities to develop their core body strength and they challenged themselves to attempt new moves. Well done, Year 5!